Complete solutions

For the ship and
port sector

Safety & precision

Solutions for the tower crane sector

Large-scale & one-off production

Specific services
for the agricultural sector

Control systems

Developments for the industrial sector

About us

Joysticks, control stations and resistors for all sectors

Our technology has been used worldwide on construction sites, in trains, harbors and industrial plants for decades. We place high demands on joysticks, control stations, and resistors. Whether one-off or large-scale production, we always adapt our devices to the specific requirements of our customers. This is the only way to guarantee safe, state-of-the-art and reliable use. Short delivery times and high flexibility are our strengths. Our international distribution network and the modular design of our products make extraordinary service possible. Give us a call, we'll be happy to advise you.

Spohn + Burkhardt. We have it under control.

Product groups



Control stations

Resistors (ext.)

Foot pedals

Portable control panels

On deck controllers

Customized solutions

Contact us for more information concerning our services

We are your reliable partner for your projects!


Ser­vice offering

With our unique service offering we support you from purchase to maintenance of our products. Whether you are responsible for planning, installation or for the entire construction product: We promise you the best service in the industry

Online shop

structure systems



Product innovations


USB module

Our small HS0

The G58

The new G56

We are looking for you

Apprenticeship / career

We are a family-owned company, active around the world as a systems provider for a wide range of industries. Enthusiasm for the new is what drives our employees – and at Spohn + Burkhardt this is combined with strong solidarity and reliability. This is the stuff that success stories are made of.

Write them with us!


Learn more


Spohn + Burkhardt GmbH + Co. KG
Mauergasse 5
89143 Blaubeuren, Germany

Represented worldwide